Team Foot Fault


Jackson Palmer

Hey! I’m Jackson! I started playing disc golf with friends in 2016, but I really started falling in love with the game during the process of finding and transferring to App State (late 2019/early 2020). I found enjoyment in field work and throwing for distance. I joined the App State team in 2020, and my game started reaching new heights. I met John Pearce when I joined the club, and I saw what it meant to have the right people on your side to help push your game to new heights. I managed to play back-to-back career-defining rounds and earn second team All-American honors at the 2022 College Disc Golf National Championships, as well as helping the App State team make consecutive lead card coverage rounds at the event! While we fell short, it was at this event that I decided I wanted to pursue disc golf as my passion! Now that I’m graduated from App, I work construction during the week and compete in MA1 on the weekends! I’m chasing my first big win, and I couldn’t feel more equipped to pursue that dream than with Foot Fault socks on my feet!


Walker Dixon


Hey! My name is Walker Dixon and have been born and raised in North Carolina where some of the best disc golf in the world awaits. Like most things in life, the development of your disc golf game starts from the ground up, the base, the foundation. As a part of Team Foot Fault, I could not feel more supported in laying that foundation by the comfort these socks provide. I'm extremely proud to be part of the team and represent a brand that is pushing the envelope of disc golf footwear. As an extremely active member of the disc golf community in the High Country as well as acreoss North Carolinaas a whole, don't be afraid to reach out or say what's up when you see me around and don't forget to ask about our awesome socks!





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